They say size matters but in the RC world, all sizes (or scales) are fun. Scale is important though when it comes to RC’s; certainly the costs are more or less accordingly and in the case of 5th scale, they can cost more than a full sized 1:1 used car at over $2000. On the other end of things, you can get a 76th scale Mini Cooper with the radio for under $100. And for the record…bigger isn’t necessarily better.
If you’re into crawling or hiking along the trails, then 10th scale is the way to go. There are lots of options to choose from and they are very realistic. Some of the bodies are Jeeps, Land Rovers, Ford, and Chevy. You can also modify them quite a lot to customize them to your liking and make it truly unique.
10th scale is also a great choice for on-road bashing or racing in parking lots with your friends if you set up some sort of course.
Offroad racing is very popular and mostly done with 8th or 10th scale, using buggies or Short Course Trucks. Some courses are outdoors on dirt or clay, or they may be indoors on carpet. Tire choice is critical depending on what surface you’re going to be racing on. If you aren’t sure, ask the track owner or other racers who go regularly.
5th scale are the big cars weighing in at over 30pds (some are up to 50pds) and even with the smallest of two-stroke engines they are wicked fast and loud and costly.